One of the most thoughtful ways to show how much you love and care about someone is by preparing them a delicious and healthy vegan meal. Jasmine of Sweet Simple Vegan and I are spending our first Valentine’s Day together and we thought it would be fun to plan a menu to share with you. Consisting of 4 courses, we’ve prepared oil free and vegan dishes that all of your friends and loved ones will be swooning over. I am a lover of Mediterranean cuisine, whether it be hummus, falafel, or spinach pie, warm me up some fresh pita bread, and I am going in! First up, we have this delicious Millet Tabbouleh that is simple to make and bursting with flavor. The combination of fresh herbs and hearty millet, paired with a fresh squeeze of lemon, brings this dish to life. It only takes a little time to prepare, making it the perfect starter to a swoon-worthy Valentine’s Day feast.
½ cups dry millet
1 cups water (or broth, if you’d prefer)
3 roma tomatoes, diced
6 green onions, finely chopped
1 large cucumber, diced
1/2 red pepper, diced
½ cup finely chopped parsley
½ cup fresh mint, finely chopped
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp of black pepper
1/4-1/2 tsp pink himalayan salt
Cooking the Millet:
- Toast millet In a large, dry saucepan, over medium heat for 4-5 minutes or until it turns a rich golden brown and the grains become fragrant. Be careful not to burn.
- Add the water and salt to the pan. Since the pan is hot, the water will sputter a bit when you pour it in. After adding water and salt, give the millet a good stir.
- Bring the liquid to a boil on medium high.
- Lower the heat and simmer, covered, until the grains absorb most of the water, about 15 minutes. Avoid the temptation to peek a great deal or stir too much (unless its sticking to the bottom). Stirring too vigorously will break up the grains and change the texture.
- Remove From Heat and Let Stand, covered and removed from heat, for 10 minutes.
- Fluff and cool
Preparing the Tabbouleh
- Mix veggies, herbs and spices together very well before adding to the millet, then fold/mix together w/the millet before letting set in fridge to marinate.
- Enjoy!